Photo by Mark Davitt
$72,900 Awarded to 102 of the Class of 2024
Continuing education beyond high school will provide benefits regarding job availability, career satisfaction and increased earnings, whether the choice is a public university, a private school, or a community college. A scholarship from Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars demonstrates community support for our graduates in their pursuit of higher education.
Donations may be made by credit card!
Click on "Donate Now" in the upper left corner
With a donation of $500-$1000+, a Dollars for Scholars scholarship may be named for your business, your service club, your graduating class, or in honor or memory of a special person. The Sponsor, or a representative, will be invited to participate in the awards cermony in May to present the award to the student recipient. Donations of less than $500 are welcome, as well, and will be combined to form Chapter Scholarships.
Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations may be tax deductible. Unlike many "charities", you can be confident that 100% of your donation will be awarded to a deserving student. For more information on becoming a scholarship Sponsor contact any DFS Board member or e-mail
Checks should be sent to:
Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 421, Indianola, IA 50125